Adding Solar panels to your home can save you hundreds of pounds every single year
Adding Solar panels to your home can save you hundreds of pounds every single year
Solar panels take advantage of one of nature’s most powerful yet free resources: the energy produced by the sun. Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic systems (PV systems), use semiconductor technology to convert energy from sunlight into electricity that can power your household.
But, are they the right solution for your home?
Solar panels are very efficient in the UK. Although the efficiency of solar panels is higher on sunny days, they do not need direct sunlight to work. Solar panels can also produce a considerable amount of electricity on cloudy days and during the winter season.
In fact, solar panels are more suited to cooler temperatures. Therefore, UK Weather is ideal most of the year for the efficiency of the product.
Why Choose Solar?
Why Choose Solar?
The 4 key benefits of solar panels are:
Fix Your Electricity Rate
Right now the current prices are increasing, at a record rate. You can fix the rate you pay for energy, simply by installing solar panels.
Electricity all year round
Solar panels generate clean, emission-free electricity to power your home all year round, while their long life span of more than 25 years makes them a long-term good investment.
Increase the market value of your property & earn money from solar grants
Selling surplus electricity generated by your solar panels is another advantage that solar panels offer. You will not simply earn money from SEG, but also increase the market value of your house.
Reduce your carbon footprint
A solar-powered home reduces the carbon footprint and helps to eliminate harmful domestic emissions.
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